
Paniyoor-S Pepper Special is a crop specific yield booster micro nutrient formulation used as foliar spray for higher yield in black pepper.

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Dissolve one kg of the mixture in 200 liters of water (@5g/L), mix thoroughly, filter and spray. Spray 2-3 times in a year.

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Dissolve one kg of the mixture in 200 liters of water (@ 5g/L), mix thoroughly, filter and spray. Spray 2-3 times in a year.

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It contains N fixing, P & K solubilizing and plant growth promoting bacterial strain. Improves seed germination. Increased seedling vigour.  Reduce 25% N, P& K fertilizer usage. Better root development. Increases the yield up to 20%.

Hi7 - Pepper Special is developed, certified and recommended by IISR - Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala. It is a micro nutrient which can be used as foliar spray for higher yield in black pepper.

Potassium nitrate is a source of potassium and nitrogen, two macronutrients (primary nutrients) essential for plant nutrition and growth


860 1337

Chelated Multi Micro Nutrient Fertilizer - Zn-3.6%, Fe-2.5%, Mn-1.5%, B-1%, Cu-1.3% and Mo-0.1%

Micro-nutrient for Cardamom

100% water soluble crystalline NPK fertilizer containing - N (Nitrogen) : 19%; P (Phosphorous) : 19%; K (Potassium) : 19%

fully water soluble fertilizer, highly efficient source of phosphorus and potassium for plants

1790 2860

HONOR Mono Ammonium Phosphate 12-61-00 - fully water-soluble fertilizer, a highly efficient source of phosphorus and nitrogen for plants

2900 3200

Crystalline, fully water soluble NPK fertilizers are specially developed for Fertigation and Foliar application.

2950 3535

Crystalline, fully water soluble NPK fertilizers are specially developed for Fertigation and Foliar application

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Non Ionic Silicon base spreading agent