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Quantity:- Kg
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It contains N fixing, P & K solubilizing and plant growth promoting bacterial strain. Improves seed germination. Increased seedling vigour.  Reduce 25% N, P& K fertilizer usage. Better root development. Increases the yield up to 20%.

Method of application :
Seed treatment :

10-20 g carrier based inoculant should be mixed with 20 ml rice gruel to make slurry. Vegetable seeds (110-200g) can be mixed with this slurry.
Care should be taken to ensure uniform coating of the slurry on the seed surface.
Treated seeds should be shade dried for 30 minutes & sown within 24 hours.

Cocopeat Enrich :

1 kg of ARKA is sufficient to enrich 1000kg ( 1 ton) of cocopeat.
 A suspension 20 g can be applied with a rose can on to the cocopeat, prior to filling in pot trays.

Field application:
For one acre of land, 5 kg of ARKA can be mixed with 500 kg of FYM and applied near the root zone of the standing crop, alternatively it can
be applied basally during land preparation.

Foliar spray :
2.5 kg/ hectare in 500 litres of water i.e. 5 gm per litre of water.
The spray volume depends on the crop canopy.

Note : Foliar spray is not recommended as it is not completely water soluble and best result can’t be achieved.

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925 1250

Dissolve one kg of the mixture in 200 liters of water (@5g/L), mix thoroughly, filter and spray. Spray 2-3 times in a year.

925 1250

Dissolve one kg of the mixture in 200 liters of water (@ 5g/L), mix thoroughly, filter and spray. Spray 2-3 times in a year.

925 1250

It contains N fixing, P & K solubilizing and plant growth promoting bacterial strain. Improves seed germination. Increased seedling vigour.  Reduce 25% N, P& K fertilizer usage. Better root development. Increases the yield up to 20%.

Potassium nitrate is a source of potassium and nitrogen, two macronutrients (primary nutrients) essential for plant nutrition and growth

Micro-nutrient for Cardamom

925 1250

Chelated Multi Micro Nutrient Fertilizer - Zn-3.6%, Fe-2.5%, Mn-1.5%, B-1%, Cu-1.3% and Mo-0.1%