
EXCEED -MKP (0-52-34)

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Quantity:- 10  Kg
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fully water soluble fertilizer, highly efficient source of phosphorus and potassium for plants

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Srusti MKP is a fully water soluble fertilizer, highly efficient source of phosphorus and potassium for plants. MKP is the preferred source of phosphorous and potassium where nitrogen fertilization should be limited. It is preferred source of P & K fertilizers at early stage for establishment of root system and also at the reproductive stages of crops growth as it helps to induce flowering. MKP can be applied in combination with other fertilizers to meet crop nutritional needs throughout the growth cycle. Its high purity and water-solubility make MKP an ideal fertilizer for fertigation and for foliar application. Additionally, MKP is suitable for preparation of fertilizer blends and production of liquid fertilizers. When applied as foliar spray, MKP acts as a suppressor of powdery mildew.

Advantages of Srusti Mono Potassium Phosphate-KH2PO4 (MKP) 00-52-34 :

  • Free-flowing, fine crystalline powder which dissolves speedily and completely in water.
  • Concentrated water-soluble fertilizer containing both P and K important nutrients.
  • Best suited for excellent flowering and fruit setting / fruit development.
  • Foliar application has significant controlling effects on fungal diseases and also Compatible with majority of. pesticides.
  • Low EC and salt index.
  • Source for P and K elements, allow free selection of desired Nitrogen source at crop stages when Nitrogen is required.
  • Virtually free from Chloride, Sodium and other harmful elements for plants.

Srusti MAP is not only an efficient source of phosphorous but also facilitates plant uptake of the phosphorous naturally present in the soil. This is due to the ammonium (NH4+) in MAP, which lowers the pH in the root zone and thus enhances phosphorous availability.

Crops: Field-crops, vegetables, Fruit trees etc.


Water Soluble Phosphate (as P2O5)52 % min
Water Soluble Potash (as K2O)34 % min
Sodium (as NaCl – Dry Basis)0.025 % max
Moisture Content0. 5 % max
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1790 2860

Dissolve one kg of the mixture in 200 liters of water (@5g/L), mix thoroughly, filter and spray. Spray 2-3 times in a year.

1790 2860

Dissolve one kg of the mixture in 200 liters of water (@ 5g/L), mix thoroughly, filter and spray. Spray 2-3 times in a year.

1790 2860

It contains N fixing, P & K solubilizing and plant growth promoting bacterial strain. Improves seed germination. Increased seedling vigour.  Reduce 25% N, P& K fertilizer usage. Better root development. Increases the yield up to 20%.

Potassium nitrate is a source of potassium and nitrogen, two macronutrients (primary nutrients) essential for plant nutrition and growth

Micro-nutrient for Cardamom

1790 2860

Chelated Multi Micro Nutrient Fertilizer - Zn-3.6%, Fe-2.5%, Mn-1.5%, B-1%, Cu-1.3% and Mo-0.1%