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Photon Maximizer

AGROSMILE contains a mineral compounds that helps to recharge the ions of photo-receptors that are present in the leaves. Photo receptors play a very important role in capturing of sunlight energy and channeling the energy to active centers. For proper functioning of receptor the ions are very important and the major ions like Mg++,Fe++,Zn++ and S are replenished by AGROSMILE.  Thus help the plant to capture the sunlight energy more efficiently and effectively. More sunlight is captured and transported effectively to reaction centers and roots absorb and supply nutrient and water to leaves. Then plants produce more carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins.

Apply 15 days after the application of AGROLYZER

Dilute 1 gm of Agrosmile with 1 liter of water(1:1000)

Foliar Spray: - Dilute 0.5 gm to 0.7 gm with 1 liter of water depending on the plant condition

Soil application: - As table shown below for plants, perennial crops, sub annual crops, annual crops

Nursery/young plants50 – 200 ml
Below 1 year plants500 – 750 ml
1 year – 4 year plants2 – 3 Liters
Above 5 years5 – 10 Liters
Underground crops 3000 Liters/Acre
Sub annual/Annual crops4000 Liters/Acre

Time of Application

Two times during the crop period: 

1. After first young leaf emerge, or 15 days before flowering

2. After fruit setting – For annual crops (It is recommended to apply one more dose at the time of half mature fruit)

To initiate/promote young leaves formation and to improve the overall plant growth application is 30-45 days prior to the requirement.

Keep 30 days gap between the applications

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Bordotop is a contact fungicide which is a mixture of high quality Copper Sulphate and Calcium Hydroxide prepared from hi-tech technology with consistent pH.

Dosage: 5ml/Plant Current Plantopathic formulations contains 42 active pharmaceutical Ingredients and works in a Fivefold Pathway to Activate Plant Defenses.

Dosage: 1 - 5ml/Plant Current Plantopathic formulations contains 42 active pharmaceutical Ingredients and works in a Fivefold Pathway to Activate Plant Defenses.

Combination of Pacelomyces, Tricoderma, Pseudo Combo - pseudomonas + bacillus subtilis+ phospho bacteria

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1160 1250

Photon Maximizer

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1160 1250

Enzyme Activator